12 simple ways to boost your mood

12 Simple Ways to Boost Your Mood

Feeling down? Try out one of these 12 simple ways to boost your mood.


1. Jog for 7 minutes

Studies have shown it only takes seven minutes of movement to increase happiness. Even when done for such a short time, jogging pumps your body with endorphins and can get you smiling again.


2. Call up a family member or friend

Being social quickly stimulates happy emotions and automatically makes you feel more connected and secure.


3. Get some fresh air

One study found that spending as little as 20 minutes outside is enough to turn a bad mood around. Next lunch break, take your meal outside and bask in your better mood.


4. Volunteer

Its true — giving back grows the heart — and the smile on your face. The warm fuzzies you get from helping other people translate to an increase in positivity and an all-around happier you.


5. Practice makes perfect

Smile like you mean it, until you do. Your smile triggers good-mood hormones and will lift you out of the stormy weather.


6. Say “Thank You.”

Keep a journal of things you are grateful for or share several things that made your day brighter with a friend. Even better, spread the happy by showing gratitude to those you who have helped you out. Being thankful, not only will encourage you to see the good, but it will also help you lead a more fulfilling life.


7. Skim a Scrapbook

Don’t underestimate the power of nostalgia. Positive blasts from the past allow you to see yourself in a more positive light and feel closer to those around you.


8. Snack at 2 p.m.

The early afternoon is when your serotonin levels (a.k.a. mood regulators) are at their lowest. Bring them back up by choosing a bite that contains tons of nutrition, like dairy products, leafy greens or whole grains.


9. Take a whiff of good-mood inducing scents, like orange or lavender.

Both smells work to lower anxiety levels and increase positivity.


10. Pop a piece of gum

The chewing action’s repetitiveness relieves stress.


11. Crack a joke (or just laugh at one)

Laughter has amazing healing powers. So take a few minutes to google a hilarious video or turn to the comic section in the newspaper. It will immediately cheer you up, promise.


12.   Get fancy

Take a moment to slip on a pair of heels and your best dress, or whatever outfit makes you feel confident and special. Those feelings of self-assurance will stay with you after your done playing dress up.